Tuesday, March 31, 2009

3-31-09 Derita-Statesville Road Community Org. Newsletter

DSRCO Community Calendar

Sunday, March 29th - Wednesday, April 1st
Reunion Jubilee R E V I V A L
Trinity United Methodist Church, 6230 Beatties Ford Road, 704-399-1684

Special music begins each evening at 6:30pm in the church sanctuary and the
service begins at 7pm. Pastor Kevin McCormac will be the guest speaker each
evening. The theme of the week will be "Reconnecting Jesus and the Church".
Childcare will be provided. We invite you to attend this powerful 4 day REVIVAL!!!=================================

Thursday, April 2nd
Derita Area Business & Service Providers Meet
9am, Maria's Grill, West Sugar Creek Rd. Open to Everyone.

Find out about FREE Advertising, Cost-saving Cooperative Efforts, Local Networking
Opportunities. Together we are working to help local businesses grow despite the
tough economy.

How long is this going take? We'll be done in under 60 minutes, that's the rule.
Even if you have to duck out early, it will be worth your time.

"Our Goal is to Promote Local Businesses and Service Professionals Serving Our Area."
---- DSRCO 704 806-3813 Leave Msg deritarep@aol.com

Saturday, April 4th
Sunday Morning, April 5th
“Absolute Praise” Concert
Northside Baptist Church, 333 Jeremiah Blvd.

Join us Saturday, April 4th at 7 pm and Sunday Morning, April 5th at 10:30 am
for a Powerful Praise & Worship featuring the Music Ministry Team of Northside
Baptist Church. An inspiring program that will draw you closer to the Lord and
encourage your spirit to worship God with your whole heart.

Come in great expectation of a life changing worship experience!
Come Experience “Absolute Praise” with the Northside Family!
For more information, contact the church music office at 704.596.4856, ext. 2291

Thursday, April 16th
BBQ Chicken Lunch
Oak Grove United Methodist Church, 6440 Old Statesville Road

The United Methodist Men’s Group are hosting a BBQ Chicken luncheon in lieu
of the usual Thursday Hot Dog Lunch, 11:00 am – 2:00 pm.

The plate will include
1/2 chicken, baked beans and slaw. The cost is $6.50 per plate. Tea and coffee
available for dine-in. Take-outs plates available.

Saturday, April 18th
4th Annual Share the Rock
Charlotte 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament.

Northside Baptist Church, 333 Jeremiah Blvd.

We will have teams from all over the area competing in two divisions for prizes. This
year we are going to have a family fun festival to go along with the tournament. There
will be bounce houses, baseball and football accuracy challenges, a 30 ft inflatable
obstacle course along with other activities for the entire family.

The Tournament and the Festival will be free of charge.

To sign up for the 3 on 3 tournament you can visit www.northsidebaptistchurch.net
The tournament will be held at Northside Baptist Church Alvin Dark Sports Center
and the festival will be right outside of the gym in the parking lot. If you have any
questions you can email me at johnf@emailtreo.com

Sunday, April 19th
NorthEast Coalition To Hear Mayor
3pm. University City Regional Library, W.T. Harris Blvd.

Mayor Pat McCrorey will be the Guest Speaker, delivering a State of the City
type message, and answering questions. This meeting is open to everyone.
For more info, contact: Claire Green Fallon, CGFTJF@aol.com 704 596-8288

Saturday, April 24th
UMW’s Annual Attic Sale
7AM-Noon, Cole Memorial United Methodist Church

Rain or Shine in the gym --- Choose from Clothing, furniture, household furnishings,
books, toys, linens, jewelry, shoes, decorating pieces, tools and yard equipment

Sunday, May 3rd
9-1-1 Responders Honored at Sunday Worship
Northside Baptist Church, 333 Jeremiah Blvd.

Join us for a very special First Responders' Sunday --- 10:30 am. We will honor
all public servants from emergency service departments such as Police, Fire,
Sheriff, Medic, area hospitals and others.

We encourage you to come join us in saying Thank You to those who provide
daily protection and help in times of crisis. Various elected officials, the heads of different departments as well as 9-1-1 responders will be in attendance to take part on this special day.

Kids of all ages will enjoy various pieces of emergency equipment on display.
A 75 ft. ladder truck will display the American flag as people enter the property. This is Northside’s 18th year to honor all first responders. ==================================


Poplar Springs Neighborhood Org. will meet on the 3rd Saturday of each
month, May 16th thru Sept 19th at 12:15pm, corner of Granite Creek Lane &
Poplar Springs Drive


"The One Lamb" movie opens in Charlotte

The One Lamb movie, a full-length feature film produced by University City United
Methodist Church opened March 30th in 34 states nationwide. It will be shown
in Charlotte at the Ayrsley Grand Cinemas 14 at 9110 Kings Parade Blvd.

Visit www.ayrsleycinemas.com for local showing dates and times through
Thursday, April 9, 2009. Visit www.theonelambmovie.com to locate theaters


Easter Observances at Our Local Churches

Cole Memorial United Methodist Church

Palm Sunday --- April 5th.
10:30 am, The Cole Memorial UMC Chancel Choir will present our Cantata,
"The Love of the Lamb," our own compilation of beautiful anthems and hymns
and drama.

Maundy Thursday --- April 9th
7:00 pm, We will be sharing in a Seder meal with our friends at Derita Presbyterian.

Saturday --- April 11th.
Easter Eggstravaganza!!! --- a carnival & egg hunt for kids Fifth Grade and younger.
The party is from 10-noon and families are encouraged to stay with their children.
There will be cake walks, bowling allies, refreshments and egg hunts!

Easter Sunday --- April 12th
7:00 am, Cole Memorial will host a joint Sunrise Service led by the staff and
members of both Cole and Derita Presbyterian. Also on Easter Day, our
Chancel Choir will present special anthems as part of the 10:30 worship service.

Derita Presbyterian Church

Saturday, April 11th --- Easter Egg Hunt2 PM. Bring your Easter Egg BasketRefreshments will be servedCall (704) 597-1122 with questions.

Holy Covenant United Church of Christ
3501 W WT Harris Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28269 – 704-599-9810

PALM SUNDAY --- April, 5th
Featuring drama and special music from both Prizm and the Chancel Choir,
we will journey with Jesus from his welcome on Palm Sunday to his death on
Good Friday. Join us for this day of remembering.

MAUNDY THURSDAY --- April, 9th
Baked Potato/Salad dinner served from 6:00 - 6:45. Service follows at 7:30pm.
Worship with special music and Communion. Maundy Thursday is the
Thursday of Holy Week. It is the day on which we remember Jesus' celebration
of the Passover with his disciples, sharing a meal we call the Last Supper. The
word "Maundy" comes from the Latin for 'command' (mandatum). It refers to the
command given by Jesus at the Last Supper, that his disciples should observe
communion and love one another. Childcare available upon request.
Please RSVP to the office 704-599-9810.

7:30am --- This early service will be held outside the Sanctuary (weather
permitting) and will include special music. Breakfast will follow. Childcare
available upon request. Please RSVP to the office 704-599-9810.

SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES Final class of "Seven Last Words"
and all children and youth classes will meet. EASTER SERVICE --- April, 12th
10:55am --- Alleluia and Alleluia Bells! Our Cherub Choir will lead in the
celebration as we fill our hearts with the joy of Easter. Worship service with
communion.. Come early and park in the upper lot and use our new sidewalk!

For centuries in Eastern Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant
countries, the week following Easter Sunday, was known as "Bright Sunday"
and was observed by the faithful as "days of joy and laughter" with parties and
picnics to celebrate Jesus' resurrection. We will follow this custom with story
telling, jokes and fun music evoking "Risus paschalis - the Easter laugh," as
the early theologians called it.

Oak Grove United Methodist

Weekly Wednesday Communion Services
At 5:30 PM. This service, led by Pastor Bob Symanski lasts only 30 minutes,
yet offers an opportunity on your way home from work or school to reconnect
and refresh your spirit weekly.

Sunday, April 5 --- Palm Sunday with special Service and music.

Monday, April 6--- Friday, April 10 --- Holy Week Services
(evenings 7:00-8:00 PM).

Saturday, April 11--- Annual Easter Egg Hunt
10:00 AM-12 Noon. Games, Prizes, Crafts, Fun, Refreshments, Decorated Egg
Contest (Bring your favorite decorated egg from home!)

Sunday, April 12 --- Easter Sunday
Sunrise Service (7:00 AM),
Breakfast (8:30 AM),
Sunday School (9:30 AM),
Easter Service (10:30 AM).

University City United Methodist Church
3835 West WT Harris Blvd. (corner of WT Harris and Sugar Creek)
www.ucumc.org 704-369-8000

Easter Musical: Jesus Calls Me --- Sunday, April 5, 4:00PM
Jesus Calls Me: a musical for Easter will be presented by the University City
United Methodist Church Celebration Choir, Drama Ministry, Dance Ministry,
King’s Herald Quartet, UCUMC Orchestra, Soloists, Spirit Singers, and
Technical Team. A Biblically-based original script has been written by UCUMC
members for this musical.

The presentation will be given on Palm Sunday, April 5th at 4pm. This is a
free concert and a love offering will be received. For childcare reservations,
please call 704-369-8027

Maundy Thursday Communion Service --- Thursday, April 9, 7:00PM

Easter Worship Celebrations --- April 12th,
8:30, 9:45 and 11:00AM (no Sunday School that day)


Message from Michael Barnes

Thanks to the efforts of CMPD and our neighborhood leaders, crime statistics for
northeast Charlotte have improved tremendously. There will obviously be acts
of crime throughout the city, but I believe Chief Monroe's strategies will result in
continued reductions in crime. I hope the media will take notice of the many
good things that are happening in our area.

Work has recently been completed on new and replacement landscaping along
the median of WT Harris Blvd from Statesville Road to The Plaza.

Streetlights were recently installed along a portion of Old Concord Road.

I recently worked with the City Manager to make a way for the Newell Farmer's
Market to return this coming summer.

Various code enforcement actions have been initiated throughout the District.

Michael D. Bames
Charlotte City Council District 4


GoodWorks Youth Awards is Accepting Nominations!

GoodWorks Youth Awards recognizes youth in the region that are doing “good works”
in the areas of the environment, education or diversity. The awards also honor an adult
and company that are helping youth achieve “good works.”


To be eligible, acts must have occurred before April 2008.

Youth must be a middle or high school student and activity should be youth-initiated,
unique, reproducible and/or impactful. Activity should not solely benefit a family
member and should not be an IB or a school-mandated service requirement or project

Adult and company should have gone above and beyond to assist youth with
completing programs and activities. The assistance must extend beyond a
monetary gift.

Nominations must be received by Friday, April 17.
Visit www.goodworksmediagroup.com for additional information and to submit a


What your Neighbors are saying:

The One Lamb Movie --- Before your Saturday paper gets away, be sure to read
page 1-E. It’s a story about a movie that our church (University City United Methodist)
has made, called “The One Lamb”. There was a grand opening locally Monday at
the Ayrsley Grand Stadium 14 theater. Please go see it if you can. If people don’t
go, it won’t play very long. We are very excited about it! --- Nancy Gilbert

The Derita Lions Club
meets the 2nd & 4th Monday of each month

Visitors & New Members Welcome
6:30 - 8 pm Maria’s Grill in Derita 2801 W. Sugar Creek Rd.

Dry Eyes Symptoms
--- Itching --- Burning --- Irritation --- Redness --- Blurred vision that improves with blinking --- Excessive tearing --- Increased discomfort after periods of reading, watching TV, or working on a computer

Dry eye syndrome has many causes. One of the most common reasons for dryness
is simply the normal aging process. As we grow older, our bodies produce less oil –
60% less at age 65 then at age 18. This is more pronounced in women, who tend to
have drier skin then men. The oil deficiency also affects the tear film. Without as much
oil to seal the watery layer (on the eyeball), the tear film evaporates much faster, leaving
dry areas on the cornea.

Many other factors, such as hot, dry or windy climates, high altitudes, air-conditioning
and cigarette smoke also cause dry eyes. Many people also find their eyes become
irritated when reading or working on a computer. Stopping periodically to rest and blink
keeps the eyes more comfortable.

When it comes to treating dry eyes, everyone’s needs are a little different. Many find
relief simply from using artificial tears on a regular basis.
---- More details at www.StLukeseye.com

Oak Grove United Methodist Church
6440 Old Statesville Road, 11am - 2pm
Fix'em the way you like'em, Eat In or Take Out
Not a Hot Dog fan?
Skip the dogs, choose the Homemade Soup & muffin
or Pinto Beans and cornbread (ketchup & onions available)
Warm friendly atmosphere. Wonderful conversation readily available


Looking for ways to improve and maintain the quality of life
in your neighborhood?

Join us for Community University!
Location: West Boulevard Library at 2157 West Boulevard
Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Cost: FREE
Dates and Topics:

Thursday, April 2:
Your Neighborhood Organization
Basics and BeyondNeighborhood organizations must go further than having a strong foundation to be successful. This workshop will discuss strategies to improve the functionality of neighborhood organizations, including roles and expectations,
the structure and effectiveness of documents, and organizational stewardship.

Tuesday, April 7:
Developing Our Future: Mobilizing Youth for Neighborhood
If today's youth is the promise of tomorrow, then having youth actively involved
in a neighborhood organization is an important element of the organization's
future. This workshop will explore best practices to recruit and sustain youth
involvement in community and neighborhood projects, meetings, and activities.

Thursday, April 16:
Technology Tools for Your Neighborhood
Beyond newsletters and flyers lie many methods available to neighborhood
organizations to assist in supporting their needs and wants. Whether a
beginner or a more advanced user of current technology, this workshop will
review helpful sites, tools, and resources for neighborhood organizations
to stay technologically current while promoting their organizational vision
and goals.

Tuesday, April 21:
Fun with Neighborhood Fundraising
Neighborhood organizations often require extra financial support for various
projects and activities, but are unsure of how to obtain the needed funds.This
workshop will help participants learn the basics of neighborhood fundraising,
including types of fundraising, solicitation approaches and resources, and
fundraising strategies.

To pre-register, call 704-336-2061 or contact jlove@ci.charlotte.nc.us ==========================================


Late Saturday afternoon a couple of kids on bicycles were seen opening mailboxes.
A neighbor heard one say to the other, “Go ahead and open it. No one is watching”.
The kids are described as black; one is about 7 and the other around 16 years old.

This incident was reported by a Neighbor in the Winchester Neighborhood, but the
number of replies we had from the other areas since the original email went out
has convinced us the problem may be more widespread.

Taking things from another person’s mailbox is a Federal crime, not to mention the
problems it can cause the rightful owner. If you’ve ever had ID theft, you will
understand just how bad it can be.

============= A few of the replies ===============

Keep the emails coming, we are interested --- Kathy, Harris Mustang Louise at Western Waterproofing, just across the street from you, writes"We have a locked mailbox and it has been tampered with twice. . ." When Johnny Bright used to go on his Rod & Custom road trips, he always hadhis mail left here in my box . . . to make sure that nothing "walked off." --- Bernie

Thank you so much for the alerts! --- Thelma Anders, Ridgeview

Thanks. I will share the information. These “dang” out of control kids are already
starting up for the summer. Thanks again. --- The Williams family


Catch up with the latest News between DSRCO Newsletters



On once proposed XXX Book Store site?
Adult Lounge to open on Statesville Rd?

Yes, we have heard the rumors, too. Nothing announced offically. But we heard
that owners of the XXX Book store (not allowed to open here last year) could open
an adult lounge on the property.

Neighbors had speculated that the building & grounds near the Spector Ave. jail
were "too large" for just a book store. The possibility was often suggested that a
lounge might come next.

How could this be, you ask? Actually recent business changes in the area have
continued to affirm that the property sits in an Industrial area. Second, setbacks
and distance requirements for opening a Bar, Lounge, or Club are more lenient
than for a XXX Book Store. For example, consider the former JB's, and then VIP
Lounge in Derita --- which received permits and were allowed to operate directly
across the street from Turning Point Academy and Derita Presbyterian Church.

One person (not to be named) explained that City Codes tend to treat the XXX
Book Store as a "porn shop" with stringent rules, while a Lounge might well be
considered a "Gentlemens' Club" where alcohol is usually permitted. These clubs
face little resistance to open in an industrial area or even a business district. He
would not confirm or deny that plans are in motion here.

We mention this, so that nearby residents will not be totally surprised. If variances
setbacks, or rezonings are not required, neighbors will not likely be consulted. The
future widening of Statesville Rd just across the intersection will likely increase
surface street traffic to the point that this would be a very viable location, if a lounge
were to open here.


Local Memories from Our Readers
As I Recall . . . .

Re: Griffin's Fish Camp --- Griffin's rocked! Two memories ... my cousin, Donnie
Baker, a 1967 North Meck grad, lived in Hunter Acres, just down the road a little
from Griffin's. One summer I was visiting them, probably would've been around
1966, and we walked down the road to Griffin's ... woulda been in the middle of
the afternoon. We walk up to the jukebox, and I saw a 45 of a new Beach Boys
song that had just come out, but it was the flip side I wanted my cousin to hear.
Donnie was a GIGANTIC Beach Boys fan, and I'm pretty sure both these songs
were on Pet Sounds which had just come out. So we stood there, jamming to
the Beach Boys!

My other Griffin Fish Camp memory comes from what was probably my last trip
down there. I'm going to say it was around 1972. I was there with my father and
mother. My Dad was a great guy but not particularly articulate. Someone at the
table mentioned an incident where someone died in a fire. Everything got quiet
for a minute, then my Dad said: "Dying in a fire probably wouldn't be so bad,
if you'd just burn up real quick." Right, Dad! --- Jim Brown, Tyler, TX


"Yeah, I went to Derita school - used to walk across the railroad tracks to Mrs.
Conley for piano lessons. Different place back then - used to think the only place
to get my 55 Ford worked on was at Buddy and Jimmy's Amoco. Jimmy helped
me out many times - recap tires with whitewalls, black knight hubcaps, glaspak
muffler. Many memories." --- Darrell Thomas, Mallard Creek

In an earlier note, we explained how Mrs. G.E. Conley taught piano in her home
on Hewitt Drive. Students would be excused from class for 30 minutes or so,
would walk across the railroad tracks to her house on Hewitt Dr. to take their
music lesson, and then return to school.

Buddy and Jim DeArmon owned & operated a full service Amoco Station for
many years on West Sugar Creek Rd (formerly Derita Road), next door to the
current Wachovia Bank.

When a Derita Volunteer Fire Dept. was organized in 1951, the first truck was
kept in a shed behind Puckett's Farm Equipment Co. until a brick building was
built in 1955. Local residents and merchants served as volunteers and Jim
DeArmon served as Fire Chief for many years. --- writes historian Ona Puckett

A thought, too, about the volunteers who left their job during the day, or their
warm bed during the night to answer a fire call . . . And something kind of
unique. The wonderful ladies who would show up at the fire scenes on those
cold nights bringing the volunteers hot coffee and a snack to keep them going,
Gwen Locklear used to shot photos of the Derita Volunteers fighting fires. Maybe
we can get her to post an album on our DSRCO Webshots site.


A while back, I wrote how my folks had retired after decades in the grocery
business. Apparently, the "Good Life" was too boring for them, because I came
home one night in 1970 to see them mulling over some blueprints with a Cary, NC
gasoline supplier. Within two months, The Cubbyhole Grocery was up and running
on Allen Rd. South (where Charlotte Rod & Custom is today). It stayed in the family
for about 17 years, and then had several other owners, beginning with Boyce &
Barbara Ledbetter. I mention this in responding to some recent Facebook page

To Kelly Hutto --- Thanks for the kind remarks, Kelly. Just started the 2nd Allen
Hills Swim Club on-line photo album today
( http://community.webshots.com/user/DeritaReporterArchive ).

Also, Thanks for the "Great Candy at The Cubbyhole" remarks you posted on the
"I Grew Up in Derita" Facebook page.
( http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=46188964711 )
My Mom always took pride in having a good selection of individual candies (not just
the big supermarket bags.

Hard to believe, but when I was growing up, we had 3 for penny candies at our old
store. Atomic Fireballs (the big ones) were only a penny, and I recall when Sour
Grape gumballs came two in a pack for One Cent.Sometimes you'd get lucky and
the machine would seal three balls in a pack instead. We also sold Jack's Cookies
-- 2, 3 for a Penny. A penny each on the ones with white or pink icing. I'd spend my
Saturday evenings counting out 50 cents or $1.00 worth of cookies for folks as they
waited at the cash register. I also loved the Banana BB Bat suckers (even after they
went up to 2 cents each).

All of that was long before your time. But I'm sure you enjoyed your share of the
Tangy Taffy (sour grape was the best seller), Pixie Straws, Li'kem Aid powder
with the candy dip stick, those Crack Rocks that exploded in your mouth, and the
really sour Lemonheads. Mom chose all of those candies and she made Dad put
in the Icee machine and the Capt. Al's Hot Fries. They had a comic book rack for
a while, but had to take it out. . . Too many comics wound up at our house, to be
added to my collection.

To Rev. Paul Thompson --- Thanks for your note under The Cubbyhole ad photo,
Paul. I see that a lot of your Derita friends still keep up with you on Facebook . . .
over 560 Friends!!! Must have been really awkward for you to run out of Gas while
on a date, if you stopped at The Cubbyhole 1000 X's of times. But it was also a
good place to stop for an Icee, if you played Church softball at the park on Sunday

I remember when Derita Baptist Church used to have a fleet of buses to pickup folks
for Sunday Services. The drivers would fill them up at The Cubbyhole every Saturday
because Dad gave them a "Church" Discount. Like many of our neighbors, they could
get gas even when it in short supply and practically rationed. Man, those lines were
so long they stretched out Allen Rd S. all the way to Graham St.

My older brother went to Derita Baptist . . . not so much because he was a Baptist,
but because his girl friend was. I chose Cole Memorial United Methodist Church
because they had a Cub Scout program back in the 1950's. Graddus Perry was my
Den Leader and Mrs. Manning (Manning Rd) was her Assistant. James Sharpe was
the Cubmaster, then and for years after. I went through the Boy Scout program there
and came back to be the Scoutmaster there for more than 30 years. . . Oh, the
stories I could tell. (and do, in a Scouting email with pictures that I send out every
so often.) --- Bernie Samonds, Allen Hills

Got a memory you'd like to share? Doesn't have to be a whole long story.
Folks enjoy reading about Derita, Local Folks, and The Way It Was Back
Then. Send your thoughts to deritarep@aol.com

Need Extra Tables & Chairs for Family Gatherings & Yard Sales?
Contact Bernie Samonds (704 806-3813 deritarep@aol.com). 8ft. folding tables,
$5 available to rent. Folding metal chairs, 50 cents each. Call now to reserve them.
Liberal pickup and return availability.


Your Questions and Some Answers

Q. Have you heard anymore about someone moving into the old Food Lion
store at W Sugar Creek & Mallard Creek Rds.?

Realtor Tom Derham is working on leasing the former Food Lion space - "I have an
interested tenant but we're several weeks from a deal. There are lots of options for
some retailers with cash right now and the trade area has lots of vacant buildings
popping up all around the University area that directly compete with our shopping
center." A Cricket store is coming to the shopping center and it looks like the Coin Laundry
will be re-opening soon, leaving only one vacancy among the small retail spaces.An earlier plan that could have rehab-ed the Center into a Birkdale-type property
has fallen through, largely due to the financial climate and the City's very stringent
rules for redevelopment.

Q. Just wanted to know who to see about parked cars/truck on lawn of Allen
Rd. East? It's an eye-sore and will eventually bring the neighborhood property values down.

We suggested that you call 311 directly. Always be sure to give the address and
usual time that this occurs. You don't have to be identified to the culprit or involved
further in the matter.

You replied: "I called 311 as requested and the next day the truck was moved. I
don't know if anyone talked to them about parking cars on the lawn?" The answer
is Yes. A Code Enforcement Officer was seen in the neighborhood the next morning
after you called.

Q.. I called Code Enforcement today to ask that they act as reinforcement to
our FYI Flyer for March to see to it that neighbors comply with city codes
(parking on lawns, basketball goals in street or curb, kids playing in street
unattended & houses not being maintained). As yet I haven't hear from
anyone. Who can we contact to see that our neighborhood is maintained?

We know of only one Code Enforcement Officer assigned to cover our area, so
his main focus would be answering complaints that come in via 311. Most can be
available to speak at your Neighborhood Meeting, and even can ask fellow Officers
for help, if your problem is really huge. Flyers, like the ones, you distributed help
keep homeowners aware of problems that could crop up.

The Good News is that work schedules are being made flexible, so that Code
Officers can now work during the evening hours when some of these violations
occur. The Bad News is that some of their hours may be scaled back due to the
current Economy.

More Good News is that Citizens On Patrol --- the volunteer Officers at CMPD
could soon be given the authority to issue citations for "parking on lawn" and
other violations --- Something that would greatly aid CODE Enforcement and
would more "eyes & ears" into local neighborhoods. It has been suggested by
CMPD Chief Rodney Monroe, but the decision will probably be up to the City
Council. Volunteer Officers are not paid a salary, but there is an expense for
insurance, uniforms, vehicle use, etc.

Q.. Will you please send me the address/phone # etc. of the tree service
man who advertises in the newsletter. Do you know anything about him
and his work? Thank you, and thank you for all the great work you do
for our community.
--- J D, Kelsey Glen

Jack Rhodes aka The Tree Surgeon, lives in Allen Hills; has been in business
over 25 years; has been a BBB member in good standing; has been a DSRCO
member for at least 10 years; offers Senior Citizen Discounts; his experienced
work crew can usually finish up most jobs in a day or two and leaves the area
clean --- hauling away limbs, leaves, etc. Referrals that I have given seem to
be satisfied with his work. His business card ad here ($15 per month) helps
cover our Newsletter internet cost. Jack's phone number is 704 596-2123. He
will schedule a time to visit your property, look at the work needed to be done
and give you a Free Estimate.

Q.. There has been a Traffic Counter on Hubbard Rd @ Mallard Creek for
several days. Do you know what they're doing now?

Most likely gathering follow-up traffic data for the Graham St. Connector Rd/
Widening Project. During the Public Meetings, several requests were made for
a traffic signal at that intersection --- where current plans only call for extra turn
lanes there. A signal would back up traffic on Mallard Creek Rd.

Signal lights are normally placed where only where there is a significant number
of left turn accidents, or where there is excessive traffic volume. The counter
records the number of vehicles per hour, clocked each hour of the day. They are
usually placed over a several day period, in case some days are less traveled
than others. These results may be important in answering the requests

Q.. Whatever happened to the sidewalks for Gibbon Road? Do 100 people
have to loose their lives before something is done; weather is beginning to
change meaning there will be animals along the side of the road that have
fangs and I would hate to see someone jump in front of an auto to avoid
being bitten by a snake!

We understand your concern. Walking the shoulder of this busy road is not safe.
There are also complaints about folks crossing private property as they cut from
neighborhood to neighborhood, looking for a safer alternative to get from here to
there. But don't look for relief any time soon.

Sidewalks for Gibbon Road and West Sugar Creek (old Cheshire Rd.) were a
part of the city-adopted Derita Small Area Plan drawn up in 1985. But both of
these road are STATE roads and STATE maintained --- and the State is not
planning to build sidewalks. In fact, you'll be lucky if high grass along the
shoulder gets cut more than twice this summer.

For its part, City codes now require that new businesses, subdivisions, churches,
and major property improvements include sidewalks in their site plans. The hope
is that eventually all of these segments will join. In past years, Federal grants and
Job Opportunity programs have enabled this to happen on major roads like North
Graham St.

We probably missed our best chance three years ago when they decided NOT to
widen West Sugar Creek Rd. from Mallard Creek to Lynn Lee Circle. That project
would have included sidewalks and curbs.

Q.. What is the status of the landscaping along the rear of the properties
affected by the Cindy Lane extension project?

There seems to a difference of recollections in what residents say they discussed
at length and were shown in the original plans --- and what CDOT says was the
original scope of the project.

Neighbors say the plans explained included shrubbery or bushes at the rear
of their now-open properties, something that would grow to a height that could
at least impede drive-by would be burglars. Still undecided, was a request for
some type of security fence, as was provided for residents along the Atando Ext.
between Graham and Statesville Ave. A CMPD officer eventually spoke against
the fence, but residents did not.

City Manager Curt Walton says, "The City completed the landscaping per the plans,
which provided Red Maple trees in the median and planting strips, it also included
some landscaping within the right of way behind the sidewalk along the rear of the
properties, including trees like Dogwood and Redbud, in addition to some varieties
of shrubs and groundcover like Juniper and Daylilies in selected areas."


Today's Funny: (From our FREE Friday Funny E-Mail
Send us an email if you'd like to receive it.

A Few Well-Chosen PUNS

1. A vulture boards an airplane, carrying two dead raccoons. The Stewardess
looks at him and says, 'I'm sorry, sir, only one carrion allowed per passenger.
2. Two fish swim into a concrete wall. The one turns to the other and says, 'Dam!'
3. Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly, so they lit a fire in the craft.
Unsurprisingly, it sank, proving once again that you can't have your kayak andheat it, too.
4. Two hydrogen atoms meet. One says, 'I've lost my electron.' The other says,
'Are you sure?' The first replies, 'Yes, I'm positive.'

5. Did you hear about the Buddhist who refused Novocain during a root canal?
His goal: transcend dental medication.

6. A group of chess enthusiasts checked into a hotel and were standing in the
lobby discussing their recent tournament victories. After about an hour, the
manager came out of the office and asked them to disperse. But why they asked,
as they moved off. 'Because,' he said, 'I can't stand chess-nuts boasting in an
open foyer.'

7. A woman has twins and gives them up for adoption. One of them goes to a
family in Egypt and is named Ahmal. The other goes to a family in Spain ; they name
him Juan. Years later, Juan sends a picture of himself to his birth mother. Upon
receiving the picture, she tells her husband that she wishes she also had a picture
of Ahmal. Her husband responds,'They're twins! If you've seen Juan, you've seen Ahmal.'

8. A group of friars were behind on their belfry payments, so they opened a small
florist shop to raise funds. Since everyone liked to buy flowers from the men of God,
a rival florist across town thought the competition was unfair. He asked the good
fathers to close down, but they would not. He went back and begged the friars to close.

They ignored him.So, the rival florist hired Hugh MacTaggart, the roughest
and most vicious thug in town to 'persuade' them to close. Hugh beat up the friars
and trashed their store, saying he'd be back if they didn't close up shop. Terrified,
they did so, thereby proving that only Hugh can prevent florist friars.

9. deleted.

10. And, finally, there was the person who sent ten different puns to friends,
with the hope that at least one of the puns would make them laugh.
No pun in ten did. --- submitted by Carol Vale

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